
RGB Color Balance for Lasers

RGB Color Balance for Lasers

THE IMPORTANCE OF COLOR CALIBRATIONAs lighting professionals, we all know the importance of ensuring colors are evenly matched across all fixtures in a given setup. However with laser projectors, the...

RGB Color Balance for Lasers

THE IMPORTANCE OF COLOR CALIBRATIONAs lighting professionals, we all know the importance of ensuring colors are evenly matched across all fixtures in a given setup. However with laser projectors, the...

Quickly & Easily Align Your Lasers Colours!

Quickly & Easily Align Your Lasers Colours!

With a provided optional motorized upgrade to Kvants dichroic filters, you can easily align your laser beams colors without ever opening your laser! This can be done using the built...

Quickly & Easily Align Your Lasers Colours!

With a provided optional motorized upgrade to Kvants dichroic filters, you can easily align your laser beams colors without ever opening your laser! This can be done using the built...

New Kvant Clubmax 10 FB4

New Kvant Clubmax 10 FB4

The Kvant Clubmax 10 FB4 is an extremely powerful laser display system, created with the intention for use with large-scale indoor shows. Coming integrated with the FB4 control interface, the...

New Kvant Clubmax 10 FB4

The Kvant Clubmax 10 FB4 is an extremely powerful laser display system, created with the intention for use with large-scale indoor shows. Coming integrated with the FB4 control interface, the...